Desert Driving

blues and soft pinky fluffs afloat
the sun moving down for the night
flat earth to the edge of our world
the road points straight on
steady on the drivers go

the twinkling lights of far off houses
comfort the lonely travelers
darklingness swarms around the car
from underneath it rises quickly
and from above, it lays a blue-black shroud
like a birdcage covered for the night

in those little faraway houses
folks settle in for TV watching
and children are sent off to baths or bed
dinner dishes washed, leftovers stashed
but the travelers drive on
with thoughts in their heads
of home and bath and bed and leftovers

Copyright 2005 by Lorraine Dolores Ledger. All Rights Reserved.

Cocaine Alley N.M., acrylics on canvas, 2014 by Lorraine Ledger