Cognitivism: Hidden Mental Processes of the Human Brain
Cognitivism is about mental processes involved in learning, which itself can be described as the acquisition of knowledge through experience.
Constructivism: Critical Thinking in a Social Context
Learners construct their own understanding of the world by experiencing it and reflecting on those experiences, applying prior learning to new or unfamiliar situations.
Behaviorism: Key People and Concepts
Best used for teaching simple facts or training workers in sequential procedures.
Black lives matter.
Throughout the recent protests and civil unrest across the United States, one ubiquitous manifestation of people’s outrage and calls for justice has been their exercise of America’s First Amendment right of free speech,…
Hope is the thing with feathers… Emily Dickinson is one of my all time favorite poets. I’ve been reading from her complete collection this week, finding myself nodding my head in affirmation of…
Mosh Pit Philosophy
I have officially run out of excuses, so today I started a major clean-up of my home office and studio. But, because I’m still not feeling very motivated (I was sick most of…
Tidying Up
My friend, who I used to be in a band with years ago, was looking through old manuscripts and sheet music, and she found some stuff I was writing. She gave it back…
Happy New Year
"On and on it goes to the horizon Does this road have an end? But you are a pleasant companion It is so good to have your company…" Hello Stranger! I guess everyone…
San Marcos Art Center Opens
I am thrilled to share the news with you that the San Marcos Art League (Texas) has recently fulfilled a decade-long goal of opening their own physical gallery and meeting space, right on…