Georgia Rave

Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break. ~ William Shakespeare

In Memoriam

Another cold wet wintery night
The drippy icy patter of falling rain
Prompts me to listen for Poe's Raven
Tap tapping on the window pane

I sit alone in the dim lamplight
And sip from my cup
Listening to the muted distant drips
Pondering an old song from my childhood
Stuck at the part where the record always skips

What comes next?
What did we miss?
I'm biting my thumbnail
Remembering a kiss

The smell of old books (they make me sneeze)
Thoughts of my garden (before it went to weeds)
And I remember a kiss

Like raveling threads of a sweater
One memory pulls along the next
Each woven together

Good ones, and bad ones
Sunshiney days at play
Dark foreboding evenings of dread
Morning after morning
Dragging myself out of bed

I bite my nail
And remember a kiss
What comes next?
What did we miss?

Copyright 2005 by Lorraine Dolores Ledger. All Rights Reserved.

Trials and Temptation, acrylics on paper, 2005 by Lorraine Ledger