Mood Swings

Counting The Ways (I Love You)

You can be so self-indulgent wasteful gluttonous
     judgmental and sarcastic sometimes--
But I love you anyway

You are often so selflessly generous and kind,
     sweet gentle and loving--
And I really do love you

You can get moody and you can get mean in
     door-slamming outbursts of irrational 
     fear and anger--
And I still love you

You are hard-working dedicated reliable
     smart funny insightful and wise--
How could I not love you?

You can be a cocky egotistical self-righteous
      lazy sloppy disorderly
      over-organized distracted
     obsessive workaholic--
And I sure do love you a lot!

Copyright 2005 by Lorraine Dolores Ledger. All Rights Reserved.

Twirling Girl in Blue, acrylics on canvas, 2018 by Lorraine Ledger