Effective Ways of Evaluating Productivity Tools and Software for Education
by Lorraine D. Ledger, M.S. Successful technology integration into education depends largely on whether or not teachers promote technology use in their classrooms (Ottenbreit-Leftwich & Kimmons, 2020). It has become fairly common for…
Effective Technology Integration
by Lorraine D. Ledger, M.S. When the U.S. Department of Education (DOE, 2017) released its National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) in 2010, educators and policymakers were given a common vision and plan of…
Cognitivism: Hidden Mental Processes of the Human Brain
Cognitivism is about mental processes involved in learning, which itself can be described as the acquisition of knowledge through experience.
Constructivism: Critical Thinking in a Social Context
Learners construct their own understanding of the world by experiencing it and reflecting on those experiences, applying prior learning to new or unfamiliar situations.
Behaviorism: Key People and Concepts
Best used for teaching simple facts or training workers in sequential procedures.